It’s time to forget all your worldly troubles and wander to a science fiction world of superheroes and their notorious enemies with Avengers. With ever-growing popularity and blockbuster hit movies under the belt, Marvel Avengers never disappoints to satisfy our craving for superhero action.
To fight the unparalleled threat to the universe, an extraordinary team is recruited by Nick Fury that comprises of our favorite superheroes: Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, the Black Widow, and Hawkeye.
Together they face the ultimate challenges in battle with unconstrained evil forces that require a super-team effort. Alone they are deemed to be defeated but together they can succeed.
Read More: Marvel Trivia Questions & Answers
We grew up watching and imitating these superheroes. Now, it’s time to see if we remember all the details of the Avengers movies. Our elicit list Avengers Trivia Questions & Answers will give you and your friends a run for their money.
Use this Avengers Trivia Quiz as a printable worksheet game and prove if you are really the true Avengers fan that you say you are. But first, here are then interesting Avengers Trivia Facts that I bet you didn’t know.
If you love answering questions about Superheros then do check this one out!
Interesting Avengers Trivia Facts That You Never Knew
- Joss Whedon, the co-writer and director of The Avengers was also the creator of the TV series “Firefly” and the follow-up movie Serenity. The Avengers was the second movie he directed after Serenity.
- While Lou Ferrigno was the Hulk in the TV series of the ’70s and ’80s, he did not play him in the movies. However, he did provide the Hulk’s voice in “The Avengers”.
- Stan Lee made a small cameo in the movie and his only line was “Superheroes in New York, give me a break”.
- Initially, Spider-Man and Daredevil declined to join the team when offered a spot on the roster, because they wanted to keep their crime-fighting close to home. They both joined the team later, though.
- In the post-credits scene, Chris Evans (Captain America) isn’t eating because he’s wearing a fake jaw. It’s because at that time the actor was filming his movie Snow Piercer which is why he couldn’t shave his beard. A prosthetic jaw was created for him and he sat on the table covering his jaw with a fist.
- Robert Downey Jr. the actor who played Iron Man hid food all over the set. Every time you see him offer food he was snacking on, it was improvised.
- In the comics, Hawkeye is ambidextrous. In real life, actor Jeremy Renner is left-handed. Still, you can see Renner shoot right-handed in Thor and both left- and right-handed in The Avengers.
- The Black Sabbath T-shirt that Tony Stark is wearing on the Helicarrier is there for a reason. Black Sabbath’s signature song in Iron Man.
- Tony Stark has nicknames for Loki, Thor, and Hawkeye. He calls them Reindeer Games, Point Break and Legolas, respectively.
- In the attack of New York City real military Police were used. The crew hired twenty-five members of the Military Police Force Battalion for the attack on New York City, to add realism to the battle.
Avengers Characters Trivia Questions & Answers
Q. Who does Clint fight with?
Q. Who does Tony say security breach to?
Q. How does Tony react when he sees Steve?
Q. Who comprised Clint?
Q. When the military pilot yelled into his radio, ”Target angry! Target angry!” to who was he referring?
Q. What is Director Fury’s real name?
Q. Who does Loki say that he’s going to make him/her kill Natasha?
Q. What is the name of Loki’s brother?
Q. Can you name all the superheroes?
Q. Who does Natasha run from when the arrow hits the helicarrier?
Q. Which Avengers team did not possess ”powers” or physical alterations, but were just extremely talented?
Q. Of all the heroes, only one of them was not of Earth. Who was it?
Q. Before the epic fight in the woods, what did Iron Man refer to Thor as?
Q. What was Clint Barton’s (Hawkeye’s) special ability?
Q. What is Agent Coulson’s first name?
Q. When all of the Avengers are bickering in the lab on the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier which Avenger is not present?
Q. While inside Stark Towers who did Hulk say ”Puny god” to while throwing this person around like a rag doll?
Q. When describing the Avengers to Loki, how did Tony describe Captain America?
Q. Who was the first member of the Avengers team that Natasha went to retrieve?
Q. When Loki is locked up in the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier, who gets him to reveal that he is planning to get Banner to change into the Hulk and destroy the ship from within?
Q. Which Avenger’s girlfriend makes an appearance in the film that isn’t just a quick picture or a flashback to one of their solo movies?
Q. When Tony Stark is threatening Loki and going through the Avengers roll call what is he doing?
Avengers Trivia Questions & Answers
Q. Nick Fury made a bet with Steve Rogers (Captain America) of $10 that he could surprise him. Who won the bet?
Q. What object did Loki possess that the Avengers team was desperate to recover?
Q. By the time the battle in New York City ended, what was the only letter left on the top of Stark Tower?
Q. What does this A stand for?
Q. What was Phase Two that Nick Fury had moved to the airship from the compound in the movie’s beginning?
Q. When leaving Stark Towers, what kind of musician did Pepper Potts mention that Phil Coulson was seeing?
Q. What is the name of the blue glowing square that Loki uses as a weapon?
Q. When Iron Man is struck by Thor’s lightning what happens?
Q. How did Nick Fury win the bet?
Q. Where did Natasha Romanoff find Bruce Banner?
Q. What did the final scene of the movie (post end credits) show the Avengers team doing?
Q. Who won at the end?
Q. When the Avengers are in the streets of New York Captain America starts issuing orders. What are his orders to the Hulk?
Hardest Avengers Trivia Questions and Answers
Q. Can you name the metal clad hero?
Q. Name the war which Captain America fought
Q. What green rage monster does?
Q. Name the location of the Avengers tower
Q. Name the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Q. Name the weapon which Captain America use
Q. Name the robotic villain
Q. Name the organ of Tom Stark that is damaged
Q. Name the Sorcerer Supreme
Q. Where is Black Widow from?
Q. Name the agency which Nick Fury runs
Q. Name Black Panther’s origin
Q. State the count of infinity gems
Q. Name Thor’s hammer
Q. To where did the Hulk go at the end of Age of Ultron?
Q. Name the alien race which invaded New York in the Avengers
Q. Name the person who killed Black Panther’s father
Q. Name Captain America’s lover in World War II
Q. Name Sam Wilson’s superhero
Q. Name the fictional metal which is found in Wakanda
Q. Name Hawkeye’s favored weapon
Q. Name someone who turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk
Q. Name the city which Ultron attacked
Q. Name S.H.I.E.L.D.s’ flying base operations
Q. Where did the collector live?
Q. How did StarLord defeat Ronan?
Q. What is the name of Tony suits’ AI called?
Q. From which part of New York does Spiderman belongs to?
Q. Name the unique Iron Man suit of armor
Q. Name the head of Jabari’s tribe
Q. Whose logo appeared in the post credits’ scene in Infinity War?
Q. Name Agent Coulson’s first name
Q. Name blue glowing square that Loki uses as weapon
Q. In which location did Natasha find Bruce?
Q. Name something which Loki have that Avengers team want to recover
Q. Name someone who was the first to join the Avengers
Q. Who gave Avengers their name?
Q. Name the first member who left Avengers
Q. What is in the centre of Captain America’s shield?
Q. What is the color of Iron Man’s armor when the Avengers were formed?
Q. Name the creator of the Vision
Q. Name the Avengers who initiated their career as a villain
Q. Who gave Wonder Man his Super powers?
Q. Name the material from which Captain America’s shield is made from
Q. Name the object which is actually the vessel for the Space Stone
Q. Name the person who gifted Loki his power scepter
Q. Who murdered Frigga in Thor: The Dark World?
Q. During Captain America civil war, who gave a speech in Vienna when the bomb went off?
Q. Name the movie which marks the beginning of Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Avengers End Game Trivia Questions and Answers
Q. Who killed Thanos at Thano’s farm?
Q. Name an Avengers who went to 2014 to get Power Stone
Q. Name Tony’s kid
Q. Who sacrificed to get the Soul Stone?
Q. Name an Avenger who went to 2013 to get Reality Stone
Q. Name an Avenger who went to 2012 to get Mind Stone
Q. Who ended up being worthy of wielding Mjolnir?
Q. Which Avenger came back as its own past version?
Q. Who snapped away stones from Thano’s entire army?
Q. In which year Thanos attacked the Avengers?
Q. Which actor played Trevor Slattery in Iron Man 3?
Q. What AIM stands for in Killian’s company?
Q. Name the role of Jarvis in Iron Man 3
Q. Who played the character of Thor?
Q. What is the nickname which Iron Man gave to Thor?
Q. Can you mention real name of Thor’s axe?
Q. Name the location of the opening scene of Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Q. Name Shield Headquarters building
Q. Name an Avenger who lifted Thor’s Hammer
Q. Do you know the Wifi password given to Dr. Strange by Karl Mordo?
Q. Name the very first Black Panther
Q. Name Thano’s ship in the infinity war
Q. Who hired Ten Rings to murder Tony Stark?
Q. Who stole the mysterious relic in March 1942?
Avengers Infinity War Trivia Questions and Answers Quiz
Q. State the count of Avengers in the infinity war
Q. State the count of Infinity Stones on Earth before arrival of Thanos
Q. Name Infinity Stone that Vision had on his forehead
Q. Name Infinity Stone that Eye of Agamotto possess
Q. Name Iron Man armor that Tony Stark wore
Q. According to Quin Jet, who is the strongest Avenger?
Q. Define Thanos
Q. Name Spiderman’s new suit
Q. State the count of members in the Black Order
Q. Name the Avenger who appeared first on the screen
Q. Which Infinity Stone did Loki possess?
Q. Which country did Vision and Scarlet live in?
Q. Who proposed idea to bring Vision to Wakanda?
Q. To where Gamora brought Thanos to lead him to Soul Stone?
Q. Which movie did Star-Lord refer to while talking to Spiderman?
Q. Which coffee chain was namedropped by Okoye?
Q. Who murdered Proxima Midnight?
Q. Which MCU villain guided Thanos and Gamora to the cliff?
Q. Name the creature who fought with Avengers during Wakanda battle
Q. State the count of survivors that are left on Titan
Q. Who provided Infinity Gauntlet to Thanos?
Avengers: Age of Ultron Trivia Questions and Answers
Q. Who voiced Ultron?
Q. What was Natasha’s ability to calm Hulk back into Bruce Banner?
Q. Name the first Avenger who tried lifting Thor’s hammer after Tony Stark’s place
Q. Name the creature that was created Ultron
Q. With whom Bruce Banner work with?
Q. Can you mention Thor’s last name?
Q. How tall is the Hulk?
Q. Name something which Tony Stark have in his chest
Q. What is the nationality of the Black Widow?
Q. Which Avenger warned Iron Man to watch his language?
I like this post, enjoyed this one thanks for putting up.
At the end of “Infinity Wars: Endgame” when Steve (Captain America) goes back in time to replace all the stones, by returning the Soul Stone, shouldn’t Black Widow have been given back, when the Soul stone was returned, “A soul for a soul?”