Car enthusiast or not, we all have an emotional attachment to our cars we worked hard to get. These vehicles are not only for transportation, but they also reflect our personality. If you own a flashy sports car, it screams your social status, rich, successful and adventurous.
If you own a minivan you are likely to be a family man, these cars promote a wholesome look. Owning an electric or hybrid car shows that you are an environmentalist or a person who cares about the planet enough to make a change in your life. Hybrids scream sustainability!
Cars are much more than a vehicle, they are practical, luxurious and not to mention, your first car occupies a special place in your heart. So what better way to celebrate your fondness than by giving it a fun car nickname? We have shortlisted some of the most badass car nicknames.
How to Nickname your Car
What better way to cherish your hard-earned possession than by giving it a nickname that is endearing and badass at the same time. Here are some ways that you might helpless while coming up with your own unique yet clever car nickname.
- To have a personalized car nickname you should definitely include the color of the car. Color is a defining feature of a car and it is most likely why you bought the car in the first place. For more ideas check out our list of Car nicknames based on the color below.
- Including the car model in the nickname is also another way to make your car’s nickname unique. The model represents the value of the car. And if your car is a retro, there is no better way to commemorate is by including its model name.
- As mentioned earlier, there is always a way you are attracted or attached to your car. So, there is no better way to name your car by the vibe it gives. Name your car after the feelings it gives off. This is only possible when you have spent considerable time in your car to know how it makes you feel. We all have memories in our cars that we cherish! Maybe your parents bought you this car and every time you drive it, it reminds you of them. So be sure to consider this aspect while naming your car.
- Be sure to give your car nickname a funny, clever or witty spin so that it catches and actually seems cool (while preserving the badassery!) We have plenty of ideas that will surely help in this endeavor. Be sure to check them out below.
Funny Car Nicknames
America |
Bad Average |
Bazinga! |
Big Trunk |
Blondie |
Bumpy |
Cookie Monster |
Dented |
Diablo |
Drunk Drive |
Ducky |
Entourage |
Greaser |
Ice Ice Baby |
Illuminati |
Leonardo |
Mad Max |
Miami Vice |
Moby Dick |
Mystery Machine |
Picklemobile |
Pop n’ Fresh |
Pumpkin Eater |
Queasy |
Scratchy |
Skippy |
Tequila Sunrise |
The Booger |
Unwashed |
Wobbled |
Won’t Start |
Zombie |
Coolest Car Nicknames
Blur |
Braking Bad |
Carzilla |
Cherry Bomb |
Chick Magnet |
Cross Bones |
Cross Roads |
Dynamite |
Exile |
Formula 666 |
Getaway |
Godspeed |
Godzilla |
Hitchhiker |
Hot Wheels |
James Bond |
Klutch |
Knight Rider |
Light Speed |
Nebula |
Need for Speed |
Panther |
Promise Land |
Sub Zero |
The Aftermath |
The Blitz |
The Escapade |
The Patrol |
The Stallion |
Van Halen |
Exotic Car Nicknames
Bright Day |
Clock Work |
Doc Zoom |
Dominatrix |
Drizeldell |
Eliminator |
Executioner |
Fury Road |
Gargoyle |
Low Rider |
Maxed Out |
Maximus |
Metal Drive |
Midnight Fury |
Night Fury |
Outlandish |
Plutonium |
Roadster |
Severus |
The Expedition |
The Explorer |
The Martian |
The Outlander |
The Smolderer |
The Transporter |
The Wanderer |
Thor’s Hammer |
Voyager |
Whisky Wagon |
Wrath of Khan |
Black Car Nicknames
Bat Mobile |
Black Abyss |
Black Ace |
Black Beauty |
Black Cat |
Black Drill |
Black Hawk |
Black Jack |
Black Leathery |
Black Magic |
Black of beyond |
Black Pearl |
Black Ruin |
Black Seats |
Black Shadow |
Black Spot |
Black Vail |
Black Widow |
Blackie |
Doom of Black |
Grim Reaper |
Jet Black |
Mamba |
Night Rover |
Shade |
Sirius Black |
Strike Black |
The Bandit |
The Blackley |
More Names Ideas |
White Car Nicknames
Blond |
Deville |
Elsa |
Freeze |
Freeze Machine |
Frosty |
Full Moon |
Ghost Buster |
Ghostly |
Ice Cube |
Ice Pack |
Ice Pick |
Ivory |
Milkmade |
Polar Bear |
Polarity |
Snow Flake |
Snow Leopard |
Snow White |
The Glacier |
White Ghost |
White Noise |
White Phantom |
White Shadow |
White Whisperer |
Marshmallow |
Jon Snow |
Gray Car Nicknames
Battleship Gray |
Cadet Gray |
Charcoal |
Cool Gray |
Dim Gray |
Gazing Gray |
Glaucous Gray |
Gray |
Gray Ghost |
Gray Joy |
Gunmetal Gray |
Marengo |
Middle Grays |
Nickel |
Platinum Gray |
Shades of Gray |
Shady |
Slate Gray |
Smoke Coal |
The Gainsboro |
Magneto |
Silver Car Nicknames
Glittery |
Heavy Metal |
Metallic |
Mystic Silver |
Old Silver |
Pale Silver |
Quicksilver |
Rock N Roll |
Roman Silver |
Silver Chalice |
Silver Core |
Silver Delta |
Silver Edge |
Silver Fox |
Silver Phoenix |
Silver Pink |
Silver Sand |
Silver Streak |
Silver Thames |
Sonic Silver |
Titanium |
Red Car Nicknames
Bloodshot Dyes |
Cherry Blossom |
Claret Red |
Crimson Mirrored |
Flaming Red |
Inferno |
Lava |
Maple Car |
Maroon Tire |
Red Commando |
Red Rock |
Red Terrain |
Red Wine |
Redington |
Rose Gold |
Rosewood |
Ruby |
Sindoor |
Tattered Red |
Vermilion |
Ladybug |
Blue Car Nicknames:
Avatar |
Baby Blue |
Berlin Blue |
Blue Blood |
Blue Carey |
Blue Grit |
Blue Moon |
Blue Romance |
Blue Swings |
Blue Tube |
Blues |
Indigo Round |
Navy Clad |
Ocean Blue |
Only Blue |
Sapphire Blue |
Smurf |
The Badfinger |
The blues |
Wishing Blue |
Mystique |
Badass Car Nicknames for Boys
Armor |
Audacity |
Bacardi |
Benelli |
Cascade |
Cosmic |
Dauntless |
Egomania |
Exterminator |
Hannibal |
Hollowman |
Malevolence |
Merlin |
Nebula |
Raven |
Savagery |
The Agony |
The Deviant |
The Exorcist |
Zeus |
Gunner |
Badass Car Nicknames for Girls
Athena |
Beatrice |
Cougar |
Cowgirl Up |
Devi |
Disenchanted |
Enchanted |
Falchion |
Gladius |
Harlem |
Lolita |
Machete |
Montante |
The Valkyrie |
The Vixen |
Theadora |
Vanity |
Wonder Woman |
Xenon |
Yellow Canary |
Trinity |