Inspired by “The Twilight Zone”, Black Mirror is a British science-fiction television series created by Charlie Brooker. Initially the show was primerred in Channel 4 and later on purchased by Netflix in 2015. Any show that can compel someone to Binge watch Netflix is none other Black Mirror and guess what any of your favorite episodes can become a movie someday or maybe a book.
Maybe you have watched each and every episode of Black Mirror so why not give a try to check your master level of Black Mirror trivia quiz so go through Black Mirror trivia questions and answer quiz that every super fan of Black Mirror should try once.
Little Known Facts about Black Mirror
- Black Mirror series got its name from the Black Switched off Screens that surrounds us everywhere.
- Jon Hamm was a big fan of Black Mirror series before he was even made part of the series.
- “Hated in the Nation” was based on real life experiences of Charlie Booker.
- Anthology-based approach like Twilight zone has a deep influence on Black Mirror.
- The Black Mirror’s episode named “The Entire History of You” is all set to become a movie.
- Charlie Brooker thinks Black Mirror as of Dark comedy.
- Black Mirror won an Emmy award in September, 2017 for exceptional writing.
- Stephan King is a big fan of Black Mirror.
- Tanya Lodge won BAFTA for her work in “San Junipero”.
- The technology shown in “Be Right Back” has actually been created by a developer Eugenia Kuyda who has successfully created a digital version of her dead friend.
- In “White Christmas”, Charlie Chaplin’s granddaughter appeared in an episode.
- A book on Black Mirror is under progress.
- Black Mirror has been filmed in all over the world.
Black Mirror Trivia Questions & Answers
Q. Name the princess kidnapped in National Anthem episode.
Q. Name the porn channel in Fifteen Million Merits.
Q. Name the city in which Ffion met Jonas in the episode The Entire History of You.
Q. Name Al Ash’s point of activation in “Be Right Back” episode.
Q. Name Victoria’s fiancé in White Bear.
Q. Name the private island where Noami’s wedding was held in Nosedive.
Q.Name the video game company in PlayTest.
Q.Name the company that operated San Junipero.
Q. Name implant in Men against Fire.
Q. Name the rapper in “hated in the nation”.
Q.Name someone who does Greta’s hair.
Q. Name the implied cause of Ash death.
Q.In which country “National Anthem” was set?
Q. Which royal family member was kidnapped in “National Anthem”?
Q. instead of money, state the act that kidnapper demanded from Prime Minister.
Q.State the way, in which Prime Minister tried to fake the act?
Q.Name the body part that was sent to Prime Minister’s office.
Q. When the kidnapper does released the royal family member?
Q. Was the kidnapper caught by Police alive?
Q. Who was the kidnapper in the National Anthem?
Q. Name the actor that played the role of PM in the National Anthem.
Q. Name the person who helped write “Fifteen Million Merits” with Charlie Brooker.
Q. Which of the A-lister optioned for “The Entire History of You” to be made into a full movie?
Q. State the count of viewers of “Be Right Back”.
Q. Name the vulgar blue cartoon bear.
Q. Name the awards did “San Junipero” not win.
Q. Name the breaking bad star that made a cameo in Series 4.
Q. Name two time Oscar award winner director who directed “Arkangel”.
Q. When Netflix did purchased “Black Mirror”?
Q. To which place the residents of “San Junipero” go when they want to feel something?
Q. How Bing so many extra points as compared to Abi?
Q. Name the memory implant that records everything humans do.
Q. What is the name of Capt. Robert Daly’s favourite show?
Q. In Nosedive, name protagonist.
Q. Name the hashtag that people used to make someone they hated go viral.
Q. What was the name of the insurance investigator in Crocodile?
Q. Name the things that robots in Metalhead couldn’t do.
Q. How did Sara’s mother die in Arkangel?
Q. Name the disease due to which Cooper’s father suffered in PlayTest.
Q. In which era did Yorkie and Kelly chose to live?
Q. Name the main character of the episode “The National Anthem”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “Fifteen Million Merits”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “The Entire History of You”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “Be Right Back”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “White Bear”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “The Waldo Moment”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “The White Christmas”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “The Nosedive”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “Playtest”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “Shut Up and Dance”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “San Junipero”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “Men Against Fire”.
Q. Name the main character of the episode “Hated in the Nation”.
Q. From which TV series, Black Mirror is heavily influenced by?
Q. Which of the episode of Black Mirror will be a movie?
Q. From which experimental artist did Black Mirror team asked for help in visual effects?
Q. What was the tweet Of Stephan King about Black Mirror?
Q. Who predicted the plot of San Junipero in an episode of Friends?
I’ve only watched a few of these shows, but I would love to read the book if there was one!