It’s astounding to have an adrenaline-filled game, which played in the backyards in USA, to have gained international recognition. There are international bodies like: World Dodgeball Association and World Dodgeball Federation dedicated to the sport for crying out loud! Now that it has been established as a phenomenon, its just as important to have a unique dodgeball team name.
Let me guess, you have just made dodgeball team which can jump, duck, throw but cannot even land on a single team name? It is needless to say that dodgeball is a game played in the name of fun and enjoyment. What I’m saying is that you cannot play dodgeball when it comes to deciding a cool name for your team that your teammates agree on.
Here we have taken the guesswork out shortlisted some of the funniest names that are guaranteed to floor everyone who hears it. By funny we mean they have got witty puns, pop-culture references and movies to keep the morale high. So go ahead and take your pick, feel free to share it with your team too!
Funny Dodgeball Team Names
- Duckin Donuts
- Duckie Cheese
- Don’t Hit Me!
- Ball Breakers
- Bust my Balls
- Not in Face
- The Ballers
- Seated Ducks
- The Incrediballs
- Taking a Duck
- Ball’s Eye
- Target Practice
- Two Balls Down
- Mayday
- ABC Balls
- Balls Impression
- Balls Awakenings
- Balls Alarm
- The Best of the Ball
- The Civil Balls
- The Mighty Balls
- Average Joes
- Gym Class Heros
- Ball of Fame
- No Ball No Dodge
- Sweddy Balls
- Lickma Balls
- If These Balls Could Talk
- My Balls your Face
Clever Dodgeball Team Names
- Niagra Balls
- Daj Maballs
- Duck Off
- Snoop Dodge
- Fireballs
- Mother Duckers
- Crotch Shots
- Dodgy Style
- Balls of Steel
- Balled Guys
- Who Let the Dodge Out
- Dodger that!
- Dodger Frederer
- What Dodgery is This
- Ballin D’or
- Underdodge
- Balls of Fury
- The Untouchaballs
- Ballsie
- Hotdodge Stand
- Dodge State University
- When a Stranger Balls
- Before Night Balls
- Deck the Balls
- Beaver Balls
Movie Dodgeball Team Names
- Dodgezilla
- Gravity Balls
- The Moneyball
- A Million Dodger Ball
- Duck Dynasty
- The Dodgefather
- Star Balls
- The MotherBalls
- Balls of Jericho
- Empire Balls
- MTV Dodgeballs
- Mystic Balls
- The Cat Who Walks Through Balls
- Ninja Hurlers
- Ball Of Duty
- Ballzinga
- The Undertackers
- Victorious Secret
- Chuck Norris
- Throwbocops
- Ball E
- SlumDodge Millionare
- Game of Throws
- Shrek the Balls
- The Yo
Boys Dodgeball Team Names
- MachoBallers
- Archers
- Ball Invadors
- Ball Boys
- Dodgesterone
- Dirty Throwers
- The Punishers
- Dodgesters
- The Ballsters Inc
- Wild Ballers
- BeastBall
- Quick Ballers
- Dodging Fox
- Junior Mafia
- The A Team
- The Punishers
- Dodger Mission 101
- The Canniballs
- Savage Ballers
- Ball Murderers
Girls Dodgeball Team Names
- Dodge lady
- Bridal Veil Balls
- Dodge Divas
- Balls of Daisy
- Dodge Duchess
- She Ballers
- She Mullets
- Balls N Dolls
- The Ballerinas
- Pretty Punchers
- Ball Stings
- Dodgy Birds
- Sugar Balls
- Flying Dodgers
- Bally Madison
- Purple Cobras
- GraceBall
- Ball Girls
- Dodging Dolls
- WonderBalls
- Dodge Queens
- Angel Balls
- BallsMaid
Cool Dodgeball Team Names
- Broadway Balls
- Balls Royce
- Balls Deep
- Drippin Balls
- It’s Raining Ball
- Reservoir Dodge
- Blitzkrieg Balls
- Rubber Ducks
- Ball Of Salad
- Super Ball
- Dodge Police
- Hard Targets
- Dragon Ball Zs
- Hand To Balls
- Rampage
- In Your Face
- ThunderBalls
- Dash and Duck
- Hot Balls
- Miss Me?
- Ball Hearted
- Ball Surfers
Customize your Team Name!
There are numerous ways to land on the best group names. Here are a couple of tips.
- Make sure to add movie trivia, puns, or references in the name.
- Make note of celebrated group names and attempt to change few words/expressions of the name.
- Include the color of team attire to customize the team name.
- Attempt to be inventive and note down the initials of the names of the team members and concoct a group name!
- Attempt to keep the name of your team according to some themes, for example, it can be based on your strengths like; swiftness, reflexes, or throwing abilities.
- Pick group names by considering the prefix or postfix of your school name.
- In the event that you are corporate workers, you can think of cool group names by thinking about your profession.