It’s the most beautiful time of the year, Lights fill the streets, spreading so much cheer. I should be playing in the winter snow, But I’m a be under the mistletoe.
Did you also start humming Justin Bieber’s famous Christmas number since the Christmas season arrived? We too! To double the Christmas fun, we have crafted few Christmas riddles.
Can you name the year in which Christmas Day and New Year’s Day comes in the same year? Think a bit more. Take your time! It happens every year.
To enjoy tons of Christmas Riddles and Christmas Brain Teasers, hold tight! As we have enlisted challenging yet funny Christmas riddles.
Read More: Christmas Trivia Questions & Answers
Brain Teasing Christmas Riddles
You will be rolling on the floor laughing loud while try guessing the answers of these Christmas riddles. You will be amused with wacky humor of these Christmas riddles.
Q. I have different shades so brilliant and radiant and I love to illuminate homes. What am I?
Q. I love to get chopped evenly and decorated brightly. What am I?
Q. The lion has released a music album on this Christmas. Can you name the music album?
Q. Does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
Q. Name an animal who is never angry on Christmas?
Q. Name Santa’s reindeer which can be seen on Valentine’s Day.
Q. Why Rudolph performs well in answering all trivia questions correctly?
Q. Name the gift which angry mice send each other at the day of Christmas?
Q. How vampires enjoy their Christmas turkey?
Q. What will happen if someone eat Christmas decoration items?
Q. How Adam wished everyone on Christmas?
Q. Name someone who delivers Christmas gifts to puppies.
Q. How Christmas trees manage to keep their breath fresh throughout the day?
Q. What Santa said to his naughty toys?
Who Am I Riddles for Kids
Q. I drop from the sky, my all pieces are same but more beautiful than the rain. Who am I?
Q. I hang on mistletoe and on houses, running on electricity and if often multicolored. Who am I?
Q. I am a Christmas carol which everyone loves to hum, I love to give 12 gifts on Christmas to everyone. Who am I?
Q. I love to get chopped and decorated with lights on Christmas day. Who am I?
Q. I am always filled with stuff and looks like a giant person’s sock.Who am I?.
Q. You secretly hope that I break into your house on Christmas Eve and bring something good for you. Who am I? .
Q. I assist pull Santa’s sleigh and make ways through various countries. Who am I?
Christmas Riddles for Adults
Do you know what is it? It is Barber’s favorite song in the Christmas season. Or what do you call an elf who keeps singing? A wrapper! For more amazing, Christmas riddles designed for adults scroll the blogpost below.
Q. I am made of flowers, rings, twigs and fruits and I love hanging on your main door.
Q. Why are Christmas trees so bad at knitting?
Q. I am covered with lights and I am of cherry and mint color and people love circling me.
Q. What do you call decorated entryways?
Q. From where Santa and his reindeer bring hot chocolates while being in sky?
Q. We have pointy ears and help making Christmas toys for you. Who am I?
Q. How elves get transported?
Q. Name someone who loves playing toy guitars and sing blue Christmas.
Q. Name a Christmas carol which is loved by every parent.
Q. How Christmas ends?
Q. I am known as Christmas king. Who am I?
Q. At which place, Santa placed his suit right after Christmas?
Q. Name the place where Santa would probably land to your house.
Q. Which song monkey sings on Christmas?
Q. What will really happen to you on Christmas Eve?
Q. Name the best thing you will love to put on a Christmas cake.
Q. Can you name the toe that shouldn’t be a part of your foot?
Q. Name the fastest reindeer.
Q. Which reindeer love to stay outdoors?
Q. Why Christmas tree couldn’t stand up?
Q. How Santa got a ticket at Christmas Eve?
Q. What will be the baby of the Christmas tree and an apple?
Best Christmas Riddles for Middle school
Which coffee do reindeers love to have? How athletes stay warm in the winter season? All mindboggling riddles like that can be enjoyed by scrolling a little bit more.
Q. Name snowman’s favorite snack.
Q. Name the kind of egg that you can drink.
Q. Imagine you went outside on Christmas Eve and you saw a vampire and a blizzard. What will you get?
Q. Do you know the place where Frosty keeps all his money?
Q. Imagine you cross a bird with a turtle. What will you get?
Q. What detergent does Santa use?
Q. What will be the feelings of the water and snow globe during Christmas?
Q. Name something which is considered rude for the reindeer.
Q. Why chicken was allowed by drummer boy to join his music band?
Q. What does the snowman get when he feels dryness on his head?
Q. At which place Santa and Mrs. Claus go to swim?
Q. Name the phobia which people face when they see Santa Claus?
Q. Why Mr. Claus and Mrs. Claus do not have a child?
Q. How can you sense the Santa’s presence in the room?
Q. What snowman do when he get angry with snow woman?
Q. What will you call a Santa who has no money?
Q. Why men get afraid of Christmas?
Q. What body part of the snowman drive snowwoman crazy?
Q. Name your relation with Mr. Claus and Mrs. Claus.
Q. Name the present Santa gave to the terrorists?
Q. Can you guess Santa’s favorite tech gadget?
Q. Can you guess Snowman’s favorite breakfast?
Q. Can you guess why Santa performs so well at Karate?
Q. Why Christmas is so loved by Egyptian mummies?
Q. Name the first lesson which Elf’s study in school?
Q. What will you call a Snowman in the sunny weather?
Q. How Spanish sheep greet each other on the Christmas Eve?
Q. Name something which Santa loves to do in his garden?
How fun! Thank you for sharing these riddles ❤ they will be so much fun to share with the family st Christmas.
Great Christmas riddles! Some of these I was able to guess but others left me stumped!
I’ll have to remember some of these at Christmas time. Very funny.
These are great riddles and ice breakers friends and family.
Great Christmas riddles for all to share at Christmas parties and give everyone something to chuckle over during the Holiday season. Thank you for sharing!
Love riddles! I’ll have to share some of these with my kids. Thanks for the fun 🙂
Riddles are always a fun time, and these sure didn’t disappoint!