Do you know the most exciting factor in books and video games? They allow you to create your own world where you are the boss and a true badass. Video games, especially, gives the feeling that you are part of a larger world with a bigger purpose.
It may involve a different world-building with a unique philosophy of life consisting of a group of gamers. Since we all want to be heroes and a true badass in an ideal world, what is the better way to make your dream come true than to have a perfect badass guild name?
Choosing a guild name can be a lot of work since there are different types of names. Some are funny, cool, intimidating, or heroic names. But if you are looking for a name that will give you an aura of a personality that is selfless, brave, honor, justice, integrity and responsibility, it is the badass guild names you need. No worries since you are just where you are supposed to be and we got just the right names for you to choose from!
Read More: 260+ Badass Car Nicknames
Badass Guild Names
Following are the badass guild names that are perfect for a guild that stands up for the truth and people’s prosperity and faces the brunt for the team. So put on your perfect badass suit and buckle up!
Read More: 200+ Badass Halfling Names
6etaClan | Agnew Elemental | Aikenhead |
Alchemy Assault | Allardice | Alpha Helix |
Alpha Project | aMaZeee | Anderson |
angles cry | Apocalypse | Arbiter |
Army Of 4 | Auchinleck | Auchinleck |
Auctorita | Avl Clan | Baillie |
Barclay Void | Bastards of Men | Battle Cry |
Battlefield Carrion | Beg For Mercy | Bethune |
Beveridge | Binning Hog | Bitten Bone Bits |
Bitter End | Bizarro Colville | Black Plague |
Blackstock | BlaDe | Blane Ewing |
Blood and Bones | Blood Bath | Blood Loss |
Blood Rich | Blood Hunters | Bloodline |
Blood-price of Terra | Blue Clan | Bone Sewn |
Bounty Hunters | Bravo | Brisbane |
Broken Silence | broken wings | broken wings |
Buchanan | BuLLe7 Armstrong | BuLLe7z |
By the Sword | Byres | Callender |
Canibus | Carrion Evolutiionz | Chattan |
Chemical Death | Children of Gaia | Cathcart |
Chisholm | Clan or Fam | Clan-destin |
Clash For Cash | Cloak of Twilight | CoC Inspectors |
CoC Rules | Cochrane | Cochrane |
Cocoon | CoD Dead | CoD Doc |
Collateral Damage | Cost of Clan | CripTik |
Cult of Death | Contract Killers | CooL |
Dalmahoy | Dalrymple | Death Bloom |
Death By Distraction | Death Dose | Death Eaters |
Death Machine | Death to Tronners | Defaced by Mace |
Delicious Deserts | DeLiiRiuM | Demolition |
demonic faces | Demons | DeMoNz |
Derezzed | Diplomacy of the Sword | Disgruntled Programmers |
Dispatch | Divided We Fall | DONATORS |
Doom Hammer | DreTron | DropshoTz |
Drummond | Dunlop | Dynasty |
Earthly Arbiters | Echoes of the Lost Age | Edmonstone |
Elite Reborn | Embers Rising | Enmity |
Erskine | Et al Clan | Ether |
Ethereal Entities | Executor | Eye for an Eye |
FaKi3 | Fallen Angels | Fallow Fields |
Family Clan | Farmer | farmmebro |
Farquharson | Feast of Maggots | Fenton Ogilvy |
Final Strike | Fire Dragons | Fleming |
Follow the Fallen | Forgotten Warriors | Forsyth |
Fraser Charteris | FreaK | Fullarton |
FuriousSteel | Gaia | Galbraith |
Galloway | Gartshore | Ged |
Gift of Prometheus | Gladstains | Glas |
Glen | Gods of War | Graham |
Grant | Gregor | Grid Kings |
Grierson | Haig | Hall |
Hamilton | Harvest | Hellfire Helix |
Heir of Thrones | Heart Vs Feather | Harvester |
Henderson | Herries Gunn | Hippocrates Bane |
Hippocratic Heresy | Hive Mind | Horsburgh |
Human Shield | Hunters | iEnVy |
ifarm.01 | Immortal Dynasty | Immortal Essence |
Inferno Oliphant | Inglis | Insect Autopsy |
Insomnia | Instinct | Iron Edge |
Irvine | Jackals | Jardine |
JoKeRz | JumPShoTz | Killing Code |
Kill-or-die | Kincaid | Kinloch |
Kinnaird | Kinnear | Knaves |
Kroniikz | Kung Fu Phooey | Lammie |
Lamont | Leask | Leathernecks |
Lennox SaS | Leslie | Letters of Marque |
Lindsay Gordon | Line of Sight | Live to Kill |
Lockhart | Lumencidium | Lumsden |
Maces | Mad Scientists | Maggot |
MaGiiCz | Maitland | Marauding |
Marked For Death | Matheson | Matrix Clan |
Maxton | McCulloch | Meldrum |
Melville | Mercenary Guild | Mercer Whitefoord |
Micro Bus City | Moffat | Moncreiffe |
Monteith | Montgomery | Morrison |
Mountain Men | moveable | Muir |
Munro | Murder For Hire | Murray |
Mutable Artisans | Mutable Monsters | Mutalist |
My revenge | Myst | Mystic |
NaDeZ | Nairn | Ne Agito Oppeto |
Nesbitt Cranstoun | Not In A Clan | Newton |
Norvel Kirkpatrick | nyx`Clan | Omega |
Optic Tronners | Order of Acolytes | Osiris’ Scale |
Our Fathers War | Out Of Curry | Pantheon |
Pantheon | Parabolic Projectiles | Paterson |
Parthian Tactics | Peak Performance Project | Pennycook |
Pentland | Pentland | Peter |
Phantom Knights | Philistines | Pillage the Village |
Plunder and Pillage | PlutoniumPotato | Pollock Elphinstone |
Porterfield | Poseidon’s Whim | Power of noobs |
Pray to the Pantheon | Pride of the Fallen | Primeval |
Primrose | Pringle | PuRe |
Quantum Performance | Ralston Hannay | RaZe |
ReaPeR | RaG3 | ReC |
ReCoiiLz | ReFuZR | Relentless Rouges |
Retain | Rightplace2pst | Ringing Blades |
RioT | Ripper | Rise of the Fallen |
Rise Of Abyss | Rising Phoenix | Ritzy Kings |
Robertson | Rose | Ross |
Rutherford | Ruthven | S.Y.G (Stole Your Glory) |
Sacrament | Sandilands | Selection Pressure |
Serenity | Seton | Seven Scimitars |
Seventh Circle | Shape shifters | ShoTz |
Siege of Ages | Sinclair | Skin Peels |
Slay and Flay | Slice and Dice | solar |
Song of the Blade | Spalding | Specicidal Tendencies |
Squeeling Hog | Spongerz | sTaTiiC Headhunters |
sTaTiiCz | Stewart | Stirling |
Strachan | Straiton | Stratagems of Sedition |
Sudden Death | Suicide | Sundown Rising |
sunset moon | Super Clan | Sutures for the Future |
Swarm | Swift | Symmers |
Synergy | Systems of Survival | Tactical Telepathy |
Tailyour | Talisman | Team Unknown |
Team Y.o.l.o | TeMPeR | Terra Divided |
Terrain | Thedarkwim | TheWhiteStoners |
This Is My Clan | ThreaTz | Tools of Death |
Tragiic | TragiiKz | TriB3z |
Trident faka crew | Tron Federation | Tronners Clan |
Tronners Unlimited | Trotter | Turnbull |
TuRRe7z | Turtle | Twoearth |
Under_eS!:timated | Unique Legacy | Unite the Clans |
United Bretheren of Light | Untitled Clan | Uprising Rivals |
Uranium Potato | Urquhart | Valhalla FirePizza |
Vanguard | ViiPeRz | Vlad’s Children |
Void Clan | Volume Zero | Wallace |
War Crimes | Warlocks | Watson The DJ Clan |
Wedderburn | Wemyss | Whitelaw |
Wolverines | Written in Blood | Xclan |
Xenocide | Xtreme Tronners | Xy Clan |
Zenco | Zero Gravity | Zombie |
Zombie Canibus | Zone Avengers | zRuSh |
Intimidating Warrior Names
Looking for a name that will send shivers down the arms of your enemies? These badass warrior names will do that just for you. With names like Eternal ‘YoungBloods’ and ‘Majorslaughter’, you will be remembered like the warrior who is feared!
Babos | Bloodstar | Bogge |
Brew Master | Brosmash | Bruiser |
Death Node | Death Voice | DeathSlap |
Deathstomp | DeathThunder | Elide |
Eternal YoungBloods | Executie | Fenrys |
Gavreil | Glitter storm | Haymaker |
Ironeagle | Lorcan | Lyriah |
Magesnack | Magexploder | Majorslaughter |
Nagah | Nesta | OrcDork |
Prythian | Rhys | Rhysand |
Rowan | Stargod | Sureil |
Swift strike | Victrix Mortalis (conquerors of death) | Warmonger |
Cool Team Names
Are you team up with your friends or siblings for the weekend full of games and searching for a perfect badass team name? Then prepare for the win since names like ‘Skin Tailors’ and ‘Death Eaters’ will make you focused for your victory!
demonic faces | A House Divided | Aiton |
Alchemic Elixir | Anatomy of Death | Blood Lust |
Borthwick | Caldwell | Clan of Coats |
clashmebro | Death Eaters | Death Zone |
Destroy The Noobs | Eat What You Kill | Embers Rising |
eRaZoR | Fairlie | False Flags |
Fungi | Halkerston | Hepburn |
Inevitable Prodigies | Jugglers | Leviathan |
Lost Legion | Maxton | McKerrell |
Meet Your Maker | Militia | Nobmping |
Patullo | Philosopher Kings | RawR |
RoadRunnerZ | Seven Scimitars | Shields |
Skin Tailors | Sniperz Klan | Sons of Rauz |
Spens | story unfolds | Strange Last Stand |
Tears of Gaia | ThunderCats | United Warriors |
XaGLeZ | ||
Kickass Military Names
Sometimes you just need the perfect badass military name. These badass military names will allow you to become a hero or an adventurer yourself!
Armsageddon | Axenhammer | Betio Bastards |
Bloody Bucket | Bounty Hunters | Brostorm |
Courageous | Cpt. slaughter | Destroyers |
Diamondbacks | Exterminatus | Gunslingers |
Heat collector | Hell On Wheels | iEnVy |
Immortals | Letters of Marque | Meet Your Maker |
Ogilvy | Old Iron Sides | Panzer |
Pownage | Ragebar | RaZe |
Red Bull | Roidrage | SirNerfedalot |
Strange | Super Powers | Super Squad |
Warglaive | Written in Blood | Yellow Jackets |
Savage Viking Names
We are not just limited to badass guild or warrior names! While a badass name is not necessary for a win, it is surely fun to play with.
Ballistic | Deathwish | Foresworne |
Fury | Gorebath | Haomarush |
Max | Recoil | Recon |
Redline | Spartan | Warcry |
Wicked Guild Names For Girls
If you are a girl and cannot find a badass name for you, no worries since we got you covered! Names like Dragon’s mother and Queen of Ashes will surely fill the hearts of your enemies with fear.
56Churri | ANGUStus | Chalie’s Angel |
Dragon’s Mother | Goblin | Hot Candy |
Lady bond | Lady Ninja | Lady of Death |
Queen of Ashes | Queen of Thunder | Red Chilly |
Smashhy | Super Girl | Sweet Death |
Fearless Sports Team Names
These badass sports team names will add a feeling of extra fun along with playing the game. The names like ‘battle of rage’ and ‘scythe wielders’ will make you focused on being a perfect badass!
Big Damn Hero | Blades of Rage | Block busters |
Blood letting | BluntMachete | Bond007 |
Broun | Bulletz4Breakfast | Bumpin’ Uglies |
Carmichael | Carruthers | Collision |
Crash Helmet | Cunning Stunts | Death Dealers |
DeCoiiLz | Forsake the Fallen | Fusion |
Glendinning | Hangmen | illusions |
IronMAN77 | LaidtoRest | Lost Boys |
LuXiouZe | Magister Mortalis | McKerrell |
NoNerdsJustGeeks | Paradox | PennywiseTheClown |
Plague | Power tippers | Powerful Peons |
Radioactive | Redemption | Regicide |
Rescheduled | RisingPhoenix | Scythe Wielders |
SeekNDstroy | Shock Wave | Smack your Boys |
solar Immortals | Speed of Light | Spikers |
The Damned | Tyler Durden | Viral 3D Clan |
Warhead | Xenomorphing | Zombie Hordes |
Badass Dragon Names
If you play around with your guild name, why not your dragon? Go one step ahead and name your dragon along with the badass guild name! Following are some of the ideas:
Glacion | Abraxas | |
Hell-Fire | Tatsu | Igneel |
Jabberwock | Leviathon | Glaurung |
Flame-thrower | Dracarus | Danaerus |
Abraxos | Smaug | Weisslogia |
Flame-Monster | Flame-hell | Ragnarok |