There can be multiple for you to be searching for Elven names. For instance you are about to start a new game of Dungeons & Dragons and want a badass elvish name, you may be pregnant and looking for a baby name, Christmas is just around the corner and you do not want to upset Santa because he has entrusted with funny elvish names. Whatever the reason may be, you are bound find elf names that suit your own elf the best.
Everyone enjoys an enthralling fantasy stories and today amidst all the J.R.R. Tolkein stories you might want to write you own. In that case elves one the most well established characters of the fantasy genre today. They are known to mystical, semi divine, humanoid pleasant little creatures that have fantastic powers that we can only imagine about. Like humans, some elves are quick, helpful, and resourceful while others can be evil, manipulative and cunning.
Apart from stories, as mentioned above, elves are also play a pivotal role in many games, for instance, Dungeons & Dragons, LOTRO, World of Warcraft, etc. For different games, you need names that are appropriate to the lore and at the same time making sure that your elf name follows all the naming and is not repetitive like ‘Elronde’ or ‘Legolazs’. You need to mix things up and keep them fresh!
This is a guide that will, firstly, help you come with your own unique name for any franchise. Secondly, we have taken the liberty to compile a list of elven names and broken them down into several sub-categories to make this Guide to Middle Earth easier to follow. So without further ado, read on!
How to Name your own Elf
- While selecting a fantasy elf name for your child, you must pick one that is not unorthodox can easily be incorporated in your everyday language and culture. So, you might want to avoid being outlandish here.
- Christmas Elf Names offer a lot of room to get creative and think of a name that is cool, exotic, retro, funny and ridiculous at the same time. Santa’s little helpers would not mind any name you give them, as long as they sound really cool and follow the niche. There are absolutely no boundaries here, you elf can even have two names e.g. Ginger Frost, Joe Jangles. You need a name that Christmassy and preferably easy to pronounce since you children need to be able to say it and tell their friends about them.
- Unlike the Human Race, the elves names are consistent, they follow a criterion no matter where they are born. They are not subject to nationality or ethnicity. Elves are well-spoken in two fantasy languages, and Sindarin being one them, is used for naming. The use of language gives depth to the name in terms of meaning and background. The naming rules are generally straightforward and you need only to follow a set of prefixes and suffixes to make them sound elvish.
- For gaming, finding or devising a name is difficult since you do not want to closely follow the elvish book names or names that are popular, for they will be changed. Here you need to find a name that is unique and does not sound or spell closely to the names in books. The names should also be more specific. Below we have the whole guide where you can find the name that appeals you the most.
Christmas Elf Names
- Sloeberry Ivytrifle
- Forest Brandysparkles
- Noel Fizzyleaves
- Hazelnut Sparklepears
- Fudge Toffeecane
- Partridge Iciclebaubles
- Pumpkin Snowbubbles
- Forest Mullingsparkles
- Yule Snoozycake
- Piper Pepperfir
- Merry Jollypudding
- Sloeberry Jinglecrackers
- Partridge Emberballs
- Yule Snowbells
- Rustic Greenflakes
- Drummer Fruitpie
- Clove Cuddlepie
- Robin Jinglecake
- Piper Embertoes
- Licorice Fizzyspice
Funny Elvish Names
- Sherlocbones
- BenAfflock
- Deadlee
- Hoofarted
- Tango Whiskey Foxtrot
- Gnosferatu
- Premature Bloodlust
- Cheframsay
- Dodgedoge
- Armored Paws
- Bearymanalow
- Stewpeed
- Bowjob
- Salty Mayonnaise
- Unemployeed
- Cog Blocker
- Moobear
- Moocow
- Peon Me
- Meowser
- Shamon Yu
- IndianaBones
- Hermione
- Ooga Booga
- Dank
- Flintstoner
- BuildTheWall
- Frostitute
- Pawnstar
- Hordecore
- Wogran Freeman
- Haemogoblin
Coolest Elvish Names
- Nylian
- Pharom
- Ruven
- Sheath
- Reptar
- Yollus
- Saelethil
- Saevel
- Sakrattars
- Sylvar
- Rychell
- Shonassir
- Rauvelore
- Hubyr
- Flardryn
- Allas
- Axilia
- Aevory
- Caerthynna
- Daenys
Exotic Elvish Names
- Aybeesy
- Axwhyzee
- Debiousi
- Elora
- Elwing
- Gilgalad
- Glynni
- Euglena
- Gwynnestra
- Haalija
- Haelee
- Hycis
- Iziuela
- Kaera
- Kyrrha
- Lazarus
- Arod
- Baron
- Cirdan
- Elrohire
- Rohan
- Gryffinder
- Samwise
- Aredhel
- Freda
- Frodo
- Galadriel
- Melian
- Melainge
- Nessa
Badass Elvish Names
- Nocturnal Terror
- Prime Agent
- Hazardo
- Hazardous Razor
- Cyberelf
- Metal Grimoir
- Steel Equinox
- Aggrofire
- Radiodecay
- Bio Fusion
- Crimson Root
- Warp Mine
- Necro Trinity
- Grimvenger
- Veiled Fatality
- Unpredictable Dragon
- Elfa Alph
- Fatality
- Oblivia
- Gosumine
- Dormanted
Male Elvish Names
- Eafjee
- Kwallior
- Drogo
- Crawler
- Soreback
- Numlock
- Draenole
- Lightforged
- Explorelf
- Mortoise
- Boomkin
- Flatliner
- Professor Oak
- Immovabul
- Owlsong
- Brodar
- Celebor
- Divindar
- Elephon
- Altaor
- Ethlando
Female Elvish Names
- Claire
- Adrianne
- Dathlew
- Halama
- Meira
- Syndra
- Zoastria
- Angelia
- Syllethina
- Eviora
- Zathora
- Nightmeadow
- Vanderanne
- Moonflower
- Nightdove
- Morning flower
- Lhoril
- Rivleam
- Windstar
- Shyr
- Shooting star
- Srinshee