Thanksgiving Scavenger Clue Hunt Ideas

If you see hustle and bustle and it’s not Christmas then it would surely be Thanksgiving, another beautiful event to spend time with your friends and family and Thanksgiving scavenger hunt will double the Thanksgiving fun for sure! Looking for Thanksgiving scavenger hunt themed ideas?

Look nowhere as we have tons of Thanksgiving scavenger hunt ideas. Thanksgiving scavenger hunt is a fun activity which is equally enjoyable by teens, tweens, and adults.

If you are hosting Thanksgiving scavenger hunt at your place and want to make it a real brainy one, then we recommend you to go ahead reading below resourceful Thanksgiving scavenger hunt ideas suitable for kids and adults.

Get in the madness of Thanksgiving scavenger hunt and start making memories for this year’s Thanksgiving event by making it more amusing and memorable.

Read More: Thanksgiving Mad Libs Game Ideas

How to Play Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt

Thanksgiving scavenger hunt is all about gathering the participants at a designated place and make them search for clues in which a special task has been mentioned and is directed to every participant that founds them.

Step 01: Finding the Clue Bag

The first thing first is finding the “Clue Bag”.Here the family has to exhibit the ability of teamwork by working together and resolving each and every clue bit by bit. Since Thanksgiving scavenger hunt will be organized in the autumn season so preferably Brown bags will go hand in hand as Clue bags.

Step 02: Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt with Activities

Next thing to do is to fill each Thanksgiving scavenger hunt with activities which are available in downloadable versions and printable versions.

Step 03: Performing the Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt Activities

Once a team opens a clue bag, they will find an activity to perform. A team cannot move to the next clue until and unless the team solves the current clue.

Step 04: Declaring the Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt Winner

The winning team will get a turkey or you can also choose a treasure of your own choice that teams will love to win. The clue finding activity should not be longer than one hour so it means that the clues need to be made in mixed form keeping the difficulty level and the age group of the participants.

What downloadable you will be needing for Thanksgiving scavenger hunt activity is creatively made clue bags, colorful chits on which clues are mentioned, a paper mentioning all the instructions and directions or rules of Thanksgiving scavenger hunt, an answer key (for the host only and not for display) and a winning certificate for the winning team or you can also have certificates for the runner-ups teams to boost the confidence among other participants besides participants.

Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt Ideas for Kids

  • A clue is driven Thanksgiving scavenger hunt will keep young participants engaged throughout the activity with curiosity to find right clues. To raise a bar of difficulty level, you can keep Thanksgiving scavenger hunt activity as time-bound. The team who solves most clues in less time will be declared as winner team.
  • You can designate an elder child as a Thanksgiving scavenger hunt host and meanwhile, the adults can make dinner so that kids can feed their tummies after playing Thanksgiving scavenger hunt.
  • Besides organizing Thanksgiving scavenger hunt activity in your garden or hiding clues on a family tree, you can also hide clues in other places of your house like in the pantry, the mailbox, baking oven, in a closet (harder one to find) or near dressing table’s mirror.
  • Start every challenge to like “find your next in something…” and time-bound the activity to make it more competitive among various teams.
  • The clues can be placed in different creative forms like factual, creative arty form, wordplay format or perform a special song lyrics or enact a movie scene or any famous scene from audience favorite movie. One can act being a hero or a villain of any animated movie and can make and act script at the spot will surely make it hilarious for the audience.

The above-discussed ideas will surely keep little participants kids actively busy over the long holiday break and let’s not forget smart decorations available at superstores or if you got crafty guts then you can make after watching DIY tutorials.

Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt Ideas for Adults

Thanksgiving scavenger hunt activity to be organized for 18+ would be done in a different way. Gather teens and tweens and divide them into equally distributed groups or pairs depending on the number of people that are willing to participate in Thanksgiving scavenger hunt.

  • You can define limits on the rule sheet means are participants allowed to drive to find clues or to which street does the Thanksgiving scavenger hunt is limited to or whether the participants are allowed to use or allowed to drive a car or can ask for a lift to any car going nearby.
  • Every clue finding activity has to be time-bound. Start stopwatch the activity has been started and stop it right there when the team in the competition successfully finds out the clue.
  • Moreover, don’t be too basic while hiding Thanksgiving scavenger hunt prizes which means you don’t have to hide a big size turkey in a deep freezer, in fact, you can replace the actual big size turkey with a fluffy stuff toy of a turkey.
  • You can design the clues in the form of riddles also which one team will demonstrate and the other team will guess. If you want to skip traditional Thanksgiving scavenger hunt prize i.e. giving the winning team a Turkey then you can replace it with Thanksgiving scavenger hunt themed cake or Thanksgiving scavenger hunt themed sweet candies.

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